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Annual Conference


Welcome to IIABW Conference 2.0!  We hope you can take a couple days away from this crazy market to join us in Bellevue and GO BIG. 

IIABW will be hosting our own Conference this year and we have restructured the entire event to help you get the most information in the shortest amount of time.  We are making the event more  interactive and fast-paced so you can get solutions from our industry experts (MarshBerry, Carrier CEOs, etc.)  and your fellow agents. 

We have a good mix of traditional training,  short demonstrations from agents on successful initiatives (sales/marketing, agency operations, human capital, culture, technology) and round table discussions. We will walk you through a process to help  identify ideas that will benefit your agency and plan the steps and resources needed to implement them. 

IIABW's Go Big Conference will help you Build…Grow….Thrive so you can be successful in the coming years. 

Here is our Conference Agenda: IIABWConferenceAgenda April (003).pdf

Attendee registration coming soon!